I frequently run into the situation where I want the elegance of Python Flask routing on an AWS Lambda, but without the extra hassle of using the framework on a simple project. Golang has a mux built into the standard library, and a whole host of stand-alone routers , but so far I have not come across a good one for Python - so I made this. Is it the best possible? Definitely not. Does it meet my 80/20 use case? You betcha!
You want your Lambda code to read like a web framework, without adding heavy dependencies or setup of a real framework. It lets you:
).That’s it! Nothing fancy hiding here.
This is not right for every use case, especially:
Diving in, the router is a simple class holding the mappings between method-path combos and the functions attached to them. Easy peasy.
class RouteNotFoundException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg: str) -> None:
self.msg = msg
class TinyLambdaRouter:
def __init__(self):
self._path_funcs = {}
self._middlewares = []
self.aws_event = None
self.aws_context = None
def middleware(self):
def decorator(f):
return f
return decorator
def _add_middleware(self, func):
def route(self, path, **kwargs):
def decorator(f):
self._add_route(path, f, **kwargs)
return f
return decorator
def _add_route(self, path, func, **kwargs):
methods = kwargs.get('methods', ['GET'])
for method in methods:
search_key = f'{method}-{path}'
if self._path_funcs.get(search_key):
raise ValueError(f'Path {search_key} already registered with function {self._path_funcs.get(search_key).__name__}')
for method in methods:
search_key = f'{method}-{path}'
self._path_funcs[search_key] = {'function': func, 'kwargs': kwargs}
def run(self, aws_event, aws_context):
self.aws_event = aws_event
self.aws_context = aws_context
# assumes using ALB or Api Gateway connected to Lambda
path = aws_event['path']
method = aws_event['httpMethod']
search_key = f'{method}-{path}'
path_func = self._path_funcs[search_key]['function']
kwargs = self._path_funcs[search_key]['kwargs']
except KeyError:
raise RouteNotFoundException(f'No handler found for path:{search_key}')
for m in self._middlewares:
# TODO: could get creative like Express, Flask and make this more exciting
return path_func(aws_event, aws_context, kwargs)
An example, you say? Why of course! I too am tired of digging through repos with crappy docs and no examples.
Save the router in tiny_router.py
and the example in test_router.py
Run python test_router.py
Thank the heavens you don’t have to install Flask just for simple routing.
import json
import random
from tiny_router import TinyLambdaRouter
app = TinyLambdaRouter()
def logging_middleware(aws_event):
print('In da middleware for the request')
aws_event['middleware'] = f'added_from_middleware-{random.randint(1,100)}'
@app.route('/implicit-health', extra_arg='an extra arg')
def implicit_health(aws_event, aws_context, kwargs):
kwargs['middleware'] = aws_event['middleware']
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(kwargs)
@app.route('/health', extra_arg='an extra arg', methods=['GET'])
def health(aws_event, aws_context, kwargs):
kwargs['middleware'] = aws_event['middleware']
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(kwargs)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return app.run(event, context)
if __name__ == '__main__':
events = [
{'path': '/health', 'httpMethod': 'GET'},
{'path': '/definitely/fake', 'httpMethod': 'GET'},
{'path': '/health', 'httpMethod': 'PUT'},
{'path': '/implicit-health', 'httpMethod': 'GET'}
context = None
for event in events:
print('Resp:', lambda_handler(event, context))
except Exception as e:
If this doesn’t fit your needs, there’s other routes you can take:
Emoji cursors changing based on position? Oh my.