Life is a long string of making mistakes and learning lessons.
This list is a living document for me to reflect on past experiences.
The more I reflect, the less likely I am to fall for the same mistakes…
or so I hope.
ℹ Some of these are quotes I’ve collected from others, unfortunately I don’t have attribution for all of them. Assume most things on this page were written by wiser people than me.
Cliches seem to be cliches because they have to be said a million times, and people still don’t listen until the world punches them in the mouth with it.
Waiting for permission is a great path to frustration and nothing happening. This applies across many more areas of life than I realized growing up. Example: not switching careers because you don’t have a degree = waiting for permission to switch.
You will never reduce Uncertainty to 0. No matter how much you overthink, no matter how much you research, no matter how many backup plans you put in place. The world will always have a way to flip you upside down. Be flexible.
Excuses make you feel better in the short term. Extreme Ownership moves you forward.
you can have anything in life, you just can’t have everything
Recognize life is a series of obstacles that are opportunities, even if it’s cliche its cliche because it’s true and we don’t accept it usually.
The future will take care of itself if you take care of every day . Spend every day drinking and smoking? Probably not gonna lead to anything, but if you attempt things , things will come together.
Spend so much time driving places, waiting on deciding what food place to go to in the new place. Lots of life slipping away
Lean into your strengths, your competitive advantages. Everyone has different abilities and experiences in life, don’t waste time trying to fight against the tide when you could go with it.
plan for failure so you can quickly figure out a better way to do things. Fail quickly, if things aren’t working, cut it and try something else. This is not an excuse to quit trying when things get tough, but if you have experimented and attempted and the signs are pointing to a better path, don’t dilly dally. This applies across much of life. Software - have monitoring in place so that when things break, you know what’s going on.
Am I saying yes out of fear or guilt? Life is full of accidental serendipity though, should occasionally say yes even if you would say no just to be there for the occasional accident
The things you track are the things that improve in life
Build your body and your skills, doesn’t matter if you have money. It’s all a part of you. Would you rather be ripped and poor or fat and rich?
The gear, the trappings don’t matter if you haven’t got the core elements down pat. Airsoft gear boys with no skill, running with all the fancy leggings and junk but you only go 1 time a year. Find the core of a new skill if you want to make real progress
Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want something by stopping the people who don’t
Celebrate others wins, even if you don’t understand them.
you can always find an excuse if you’re looking
Something I have noticed is that people like cleaning up my messes even less than they like cleaning up their own messes - Dan Mckinley
Life is not a zero sum game
You can learn just as much from a bad teacher as a good teacher
“Hate isn’t the opposite of love. Indifference is.”
You either work out when young, or shuffle between appts & have less active. Either way, you pay the time eventually.
The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself,” wrote Tony Robbins in Awaken the Giant
if you go looking for a reason not to do something, you’re sure to find one.
Life will act on you even if you haven’t figured out how you want to handle it yet. Even an imperfect decision will be better than no decision paralyzed by fear.
Can you actually not do it, or is it just easier to tell yourself you can’t because the alternative is long and full of struggle
Automate good decisions first
surprise gifts or visits activate more powerful happiness responses, or something like that
Oftentimes there can be more impact from removing bad things or circumstances or events from people’s lives than trying to add value on top of their current life.
life is not convenient and does not respect our plans. Tragedies will not strike at convenient times for us, it will be messy.
“Things that keep talented people from fulfilling their potential: - Trying to please everyone - Imitating the desires of others - Chasing status without questioning why - Playing superhero and trying to do it all alone - Dividing your attention between too many projects”
Build and give stuff away for free, life will return you in spades
The Rule of Reciprocity tells us it’s human to want to return a favor, a gesture.
We’re programmed to give value after receiving value. And here’s the thing: we tend to give back far more than we originally received.
This is how small, free samples turn into big sales.
Give away your content, your expertise, your time — and it will come back to you in spades.
“Choose your lifestyle first. Ask yourself what does “freedom” mean to you? House, car, relationships, office, work… What do you want? Then work backwards and write down how much you want to make.” - The lifestyle approach to life
To combat over-thinking: “Can you see a way through? No. Can you see your next step? Yes. Just take that.” The boy, the Horse, the Mole (book).
Icebreakers that don't suck, already tested in real-life rather than being written for SEO spam.
Finding a solution to parse unescaped double quotes in my JSON strings, with minimal tears.
Given a remote worker allowed to live in any state, how does their tax burden vary if they move?
A simple guide to self-host n8n in just a few minutes on